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Coronavirus Update - March 13, 2020

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Greetings Life Church,

This afternoon Governor Tim Walz moved Minnesota into a peacetime state of emergency. As part of this announcement, Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm advised against gatherings of more than 250 people. She also recommended practicing “social distancing” by placing at least six feet of space between individuals.

In seeking to comply with this new guidance while also seeking to be lovingly cognizant of people’s health concerns regarding the coronavirus we have decided to change the format of our worship gathering this coming Sunday morning at Life Church. We will be offering a streamlined version of our service at 10 AM with worship, announcements, and a message, while cancelling all Sunday School programming, and the Nursery and Life Kids normally provided during the service. In addition we will NOT be having communion.

We are attending to public spaces in sanitizing highly touched surfaces before and after our worship services and providing hand sanitation stations located in several places around the building. You may also want to carry your own hand sanitizer so you can use it as often as you wish.

When greeting one another, we encourage a warm smile and acknowledging head nod, instead of hugging or shaking hands while being aware of the suggested practice of “social distancing” until this season of concern about the coronavirus subsides.

While the service will be open for any who feel comfortable attending, we are encouraging everyone with health concerns or simply a preference to stay at home to join us online Sunday at 10 am via our livestream or our Facebook page.

In addition we regret to inform our church members that because of these health concerns and expected reduced attendance, the Transition Team has made the decision to postpone Sunday’s Nomination Vetting Ministry Team election meeting. An "expected" timeline for this vote delay could be 2-4 weeks, depending on the recommendations that come forth from public health officials.

The Life Church staff and leadership will continue to seek the Lord’s guidance, evaluate options and communicate next steps. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Please follow us on our website for the most up-to-date information. And we encourage you to share this message with individuals in your social circles at Life Church.

May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

Life Church Staff

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